A thoughtfully designed user interface is a good bridge connecting products and users; it helps users to quickly make right use of the design while improving development cost efficiency in an easier way. At MitraStar, we believe that the interaction between product and people, rather than machine and people, can bring better life to everyone. Since the early design stage, MitraStar’s interactive design team follows a user-centric workflow to conceive innovative interaction between users and products to deliver an intriguing experience. The interactive designs include usability tests, user study, competition study, user scenarios, storyboards, inspiration assessment, interface prototype, visual communications, experience and identity design as well as media planning. MitraStar owns an ISO standard-compliant usability lab* that develop functional, simplistic, easy-to-use and friendly software interface all from the user perspective.
Comprehensive solution of integrated UI: quick, extensible and reliable The latest GUI front-end techniques, such as dynamic language and modular structure design, not only significantly shorten the development timeframe, but also make solutions extensible and extremely reliable. The flexibility guarantees customer satisfaction by fulfilling different product planning and positioning needs.
Innovative user experience and interactive design
Simplistic, easy-to-use, reliable and professional design from MitraStar.
Through studying user behaviors and difficulties, we are able to come up with better design addressing and solving the problems.
*Usability Lab: The usability lab includes a test room and an observation room separated by a one-way mirror. Whenever a usability test is conducted, the whole process is recorded for further analysis. All shareholders are invited to observe from the observation room to gain a better understanding of users' behavior and the issues they encounter with products, and to brainstorm with the HCI department to come up with the best solution to maximize the user experience for our customers.